Can anyone guide me how to code the arrow line in different direction. wa and wl is positive the rectangle will be on top of the x-axis. Below example shown if wl is negative and wa is positive. The code below shown how i code the rectangle shape. x1 is the varaible to state where to start at x axis. e1 is the length of the shape, wa1 and wl1 is the height. wsign to determine the height wa1 or wl1 should display at negative side or positive side.
if (Math.abs(wl1) > Math.abs(wa1)) {
y_scale = (load_y0 - 40) / (double) Math.abs(wl1);
} else {
y_scale = (load_y0 - 40) / (double) Math.abs(wa1);
g.drawLine((int) ((double) x0 + x1 * x_scale), (int) (load_y),
(int) ((double) x0 + x1 * x_scale),
(int) (load_y + (wa1 * y_scale) * -1));
g.drawLine((int) ((double) x0 + (x1 + e1) * x_scale),
(int) (load_y), (int) ((double) x0 + (x1 + e1)
* x_scale), (int) (load_y + (wl1 * y_scale)
* -1));
g.drawLine((int) ((double) x0 + x1 * x_scale),
(int) (load_y + (wa1 * y_scale * -1)),
(int) ((double) x0 + (x1 + e1) * x_scale),
(int) (load_y + (wl1 * y_scale) * -1));