This is driving me crazy, I'm trying to building the log4cxx library in order to use in a c++ project I've been using. I'm on a win7 host running VS2010 express c++ edition. I've followed the directions per the log4cxx directions ( ) including downloading apr and apr-util and motifying the .hw files, but I unfortunately, when ever I try to load the log4cxx.dsw solution and convert it to the current VS, I receive an error trying to build apr.apr/dsw and a bunch of other dependent .dsw files. Any suggestions?
Specifically, what I am seeing is:
The Project file 'C:\...projects\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.dsp' cannot be loaded. Do you want to remove the unloadable project from the solution?
I see this for a bunch of other .dsp files.
then in the output box in VC:
C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\apr\apr.dsp : error : Project upgrade failed.
C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\xml.dsp : error : Project upgrade failed.
C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\apr-util\aprutil.dsp : error : Project upgrade failed.
C:\Users\x\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\apache-log4cxx-0.10.0\projects\log4cxx.dsp : error : Project upgrade failed.
The files are in the correct path.