At compile time all elements of List
have the same static type Test
, so there is no way to distinguish elements A
, B
, C
... using compile-time technique only (Shapeless, type classes, implicits, macros, compile-time reflection). The elements are distinguishable at runtime only, so you have to use some runtime technique (pattern matching, casting, runtime reflection).
Why Does This Type Constraint Fail for List[Seq[AnyVal or String]]
Scala: verify class parameter is not instanceOf a trait at compile time
flatMap with Shapeless yield FlatMapper not found
Try split
into a Map using runtime reflection
def split(lst: List[Test]): Map[String, List[Test]] =
split(List(C(), B(), A(), C(), B(), A()))
// HashMap(A -> List(A(), A()), B -> List(B(), B()), C -> List(C(), C()))
or split
into a HList
using Shapeless + runtime reflection
import shapeless.labelled.{FieldType, field}
import shapeless.{::, Coproduct, HList, HNil, LabelledGeneric, Poly1, Typeable, Witness}
import shapeless.ops.coproduct.ToHList
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper
import shapeless.ops.record.Values
import shapeless.record._
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
object listPoly extends Poly1 {
implicit def cse[K <: Symbol, V]: Case.Aux[FieldType[K, V], FieldType[K, List[V]]] = null
// modified shapeless.ops.maps.FromMap
@implicitNotFound("Implicit not found: FromMapWithDefault[${R}]. Maps can only be converted to appropriate Record types.")
trait FromMapWithDefault[R <: HList] extends Serializable {
// if no value by this key use default, if can't cast return None
def apply[K, V](m: Map[K, V], default: V): Option[R]
object FromMapWithDefault {
implicit def hnilFromMap[T]: FromMapWithDefault[HNil] =
new FromMapWithDefault[HNil] {
def apply[K, V](m: Map[K, V], default: V): Option[HNil] = Some(HNil)
implicit def hlistFromMap[K0, V0, T <: HList]
(implicit wk: Witness.Aux[K0], tv: Typeable[V0], fmt: FromMapWithDefault[T]): FromMapWithDefault[FieldType[K0, V0] :: T] =
new FromMapWithDefault[FieldType[K0, V0] :: T] {
def apply[K, V](m: Map[K, V], default: V): Option[FieldType[K0, V0] :: T] = {
val value = m.getOrElse(wk.value.asInstanceOf[K], default)
for {
typed <- tv.cast(value)
rest <- fmt(m, default)
} yield field[K0](typed) :: rest
def split[T, C <: Coproduct, L <: HList, L1 <: HList](lst: List[T])(
labelledGeneric: LabelledGeneric.Aux[T, C],
toHList: ToHList.Aux[C, L],
mapper: Mapper.Aux[listPoly.type, L, L1],
fromMapWithDefault: FromMapWithDefault[L1],
values: Values[L1]
): values.Out = {
val groupped = lst.groupBy(_.getClass.getSimpleName).map { case (k, v) => Symbol(k) -> v }
fromMapWithDefault(groupped, Nil).get.values
sealed trait Test
final case class A() extends Test
final case class B() extends Test
final case class C() extends Test
final case class Z() extends Test
val res = split(List[Test](C(), B(), A(), C(), B(), A()))
// List(A(), A()) :: List(B(), B()) :: List(C(), C()) :: List() :: HNil
res: List[A] :: List[B] :: List[C] :: List[Z] :: HNil
Scala 3 collection partitioning with subtypes (Scala 2/3)
, perhaps, especially if you have control overTest
– SelenographygroupBy
is that it's not typesafe and would require some sort of casting for this particular case. – Schmooze