I know this is a fairly old thread, but I figured add some extra info,
I didn't really like the way the NirSoft Skype Log View is able to export the chat messages, so I kinda hacked together my own parser for it for fun - but I was slightly lazy to add it to any kind of source control mechanism, which might seem awkward, but that's okay.
I have included the JAR file and the source.
It takes the text file export of Skype Log View (created by the following command)
SkypeLogView.exe /SaveDirect /UseTimeRange 0 /logsfolder "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Skype\skypeusername" /stext "C:\Root\Downloads\skypelogview\log.txt"
which has the data format of this:
Record Number : 110
Action Type : Chat Message
Action Time : 2012.06.04. 22:31:08
End Time :
User Name : l__i
Display Name : N___L
Duration :
Chat Message : messagegoeshere
ChatID : #skypeid/$hashcode
Filename :
And converts it into this:
[2012.06.04. 22:31:08] l_i (N___L): messagegoeshere
And it also takes the Chat ID and cuts the log up based on that into multiple files, so the chats don't end up mixing together.
For example,
2012-06-05--l__i-z_n.txt (where the date is the date of the first message).
java -jar SkypeMessageParser.jar [path of exported TXT file from SkypeLogViewer] [absolute path of output TXT file]
I hope someone finds this useful! :)
Note: the program expects a system date format of yyyy.MM.dd
meaning it will crash if you have the format of dd/MM/yyyy