I want to combine two guid values and generate a 32 bit alphanumberic value(It can be done by using hashing).
Not Pretty, but it works..
private static Guid MungeTwoGuids(Guid guid1, Guid guid2)
const int BYTECOUNT = 16;
byte[] destByte = new byte[BYTECOUNT];
byte[] guid1Byte = guid1.ToByteArray();
byte[] guid2Byte = guid2.ToByteArray();
for (int i = 0; i < BYTECOUNT; i++)
destByte[i] = (byte) (guid1Byte[i] ^ guid2Byte[i]);
return new Guid(destByte);
and yes, I can deal with the non-unique-guarantee in my case
What about splitting the Guids into 2 chunks of 8 bytes each, convert them to ulong (8 bytes), XOR combine them and then concat the 2 results.
public static Guid Combine(this Guid x, Guid y)
byte[] a = x.ToByteArray();
byte[] b = y.ToByteArray();
return new Guid(BitConverter.GetBytes(BitConverter.ToUInt64(a, 0) ^ BitConverter.ToUInt64(b, 8))
.Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(BitConverter.ToUInt64(a, 8) ^ BitConverter.ToUInt64(b, 0))).ToArray());
You can't convert 2 128-bit GUIDs into a 16-bit or 32-bit value and maintain uniqueness. For your stated application (use value in URL) this doesn't seem to make sense, as a given value in the URL could map to any number of GUID combinations. Have you considered this?
The best approach would be to use an URL-shortening lookup where you generate a unique ID and map it to the GUIDs if needed - similarly to bit.ly or tinyurl.com.
I actually did have a need to merge two Guids together to create a third Guid. Where the third Guid (not necessarily unique) would be the same regardless of the order the two original Guids were supplied. So I came up with this:
public static Guid Merge(Guid guidA, Guid guidB)
var aba = guidA.ToByteArray();
var bba = guidB.ToByteArray();
var cba = new byte[aba.Length];
for (var ix = 0; ix < cba.Length; ix++)
cba[ix] = (byte)(aba[ix] ^ bba[ix]);
return new Guid(cba);
var a = Guid.NewGuid();
var b = Guid.NewGuid();
var hashOfXor = Xor(a, b).GetHashCode();
public static Guid Xor(Guid a, Guid b)
Int64* ap = (Int64*) &a;
Int64* bp = (Int64*) &b;
ap[0] ^= bp[0];
ap[1] ^= bp[1];
return *(Guid*) ap;
Assuming you want to generate a 32 byte value you can just concatenate the GUIDs since they are 16 byte each. If you really need a 32 bit value the only solution I see is generating your own 32 bit values and storing the related GUIDs in a database so you can retrieve them later.
Depends on the platform and details of what you are trying to do.
In .NET/C# you could jus take avery simple approach:
var result = g1.GetHashCode() ^ g2.GetHashCode();
In .NET Core 3 we can use Sse2
to speed things up, and avoid all allocations. Essentially this code treats a Guid
as 2 consecutive Int64
values, and performs the xor on them. SSE2 performs the xor in a single processor instruction (SIMD).
public static Guid Xor(this Guid a, Guid b)
if (Sse2.IsSupported)
var result = Sse2.Xor(Unsafe.As<Guid, Vector128<long>>(ref a), Unsafe.As<Guid, Vector128<long>>(ref b));
return Unsafe.As<Vector128<long>, Guid>(ref result);
var spanA = MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref Unsafe.As<Guid, long>(ref a), 2);
var spanB = MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref Unsafe.As<Guid, long>(ref b), 2);
spanB[0] ^= spanA[0];
spanB[1] ^= spanA[1];
return b;
I would use an UUID5 (name-based) to combine two GUIDs, see https://mcmap.net/q/22029/-how-to-create-deterministic-guids
Guid g1 = new Guid("6164742b-e171-471b-ad6f-f98a78c5557e");
Guid g2 = new Guid("acbc41aa-971c-422a-bd42-bbcefa32ffb4");
Guid g12 = Create(IsoOidNamespace, g1.ToString() + g2.ToString(), 5)
In this example g12
would be: e1ccaee5-ea5e-55c6-89a5-fac02043326e
There's no native support in the .NET Framework for creating these, but the code is posted on GitHub that implements the algorithm.
See as well the following .NET Fiddle, https://dotnetfiddle.net/VgHLtz
Why not try a simple operator i.e. AND, OR, XOR etc. To combine the two. XOR would be your best bet hear I would imagine as it has the nice property of when xoring the result with either of the two inputs you will get the other.
Edit: having just looked at this solution, there is a problem with it. The values would have to be normalised. Take a look at Vinay's Answer for a better solution.
Here's a one-liner for you:
public static string Merge(Guid one, Guid two)
return new List<Guid>() { one, two }
.OrderBy(x => x.GetHashCode())
.Select(y => y.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
.Aggregate((a, b) => ${a.ToLowerInvariant()}_{b.ToLowerInvariant()}");
So in my situation i needed to maintain order in order to make sure that the 2 Guids could be merged regardless of order. Therefore they have to be ordered. That was step one. Then, it's simply selecting the guids to string and for consitency (super important), I used string.ToLowerInvariant(). Then concatenated them using the .Aggregate function.
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