C is not a good choice for Project Euler. The benefits of C are raw speed, machine portability (to an extent, with standard C), language interoperability (if some language communicates with another, C is a popular first choice), sticking close to a specific library or platform's API (because C is common, e.g. OS API), and a stable language & stdlib. None of these benefits apply to solving Project Euler problems. Not even raw speed, because most of the problems aren't about raw computation, but understanding the algorithm required, and you can sit there all day and wait before submission.
If you are attempting Project Euler problems to broaden your experience with C, that's perfectly fine, just realize this experience doesn't necessarily apply to long-lived and real-world C projects you may work on.
For this kind of short, one-off problem those languages commonly described as "scripting languages" will work better, faster (in dev time), and easier. Try Python, it stays close to C in many ways, including a C API, and out of the various popular "scripting languages" is possibly the one for which you will find the most use in conjunction with C projects.
This may become an unpopular answer, but it isn't a rant—plus I really like C and use C/C++ often—and there is an explicit answer here to your problem: "don't use C", with your final large number solution depending on which alternative you choose. Again picking on Python, integers do not have an upper bound (note below), and I use this to naturally code answers to Project Euler problems, where in other languages I have to use a painful-by-comparison alternative number library.
(Python integers: There are two integer types in 2.x, 'int' and 'long' (which have been completely unified in 3.x). The conversion between them is practically seamless, and 'long' allows arbitrarily large values, instead of just being a bigger 'int' type as C's long is.)