You can use Alter Schema with an undocumented Stored Procedure exec sp_MSforeachtable which basically iterates through all the tables .
exec sp_MSforeachtable "ALTER SCHEMA new_schema TRANSFER ? PRINT '? modified' "
change the new_schema keyword with your new Schema .
For details please go through the link
Alter Schema for all the tables
As others have pointed out that the SP is deprecated so There is another way to do this by getting the names of the table from sys.tables
Declare @value int
Set @value=1
declare @sql varchar(max), @table varchar(50), @old varchar(50), @new varchar(50)
set @old = 'dbo'
set @new = 'abc'
while exists(select * from sys.tables where schema_name(schema_id) = @old)
;With CTE as
Select *,row_number() over(order by object_id) rowNumber from sys.tables
where schema_name(schema_id) = @old
select @table= name from CTE where @value=rowNumber
Set @value=@value+1
set @sql = 'alter schema ' + @new + ' transfer ' + @old + '.' + @table