I am not sure what you mean by "local files without having to do "../../../foo/bar"
Let me explain how Javascript handles imports. Here is a basic folder structure.
- Project
- Random Folder
- foo.js
- bar.js
Option 1 Probably the better option for 95% of what you will do
Let's say you are trying to import foo.js into bar.js we first get our current location of bar.js using a .
so it would be
import foo from "./Random Folder/foo.js"
If you are going the other way the .
is still used to say get current location in the folder structure but you pass a second .
so ..
then a /
to go up a folder. So to import bar.js into foo.js it would look like this:
import bar from "../bar.js"
We are going up a folder then looking for the file we want.
Option 2
But if you know you folder structure is going to be very big and you will be importing always a few folders up or down why not make a variable and then use string literals.
let folder = `../../../`
import test from `${folder}foo`
You have a few options of how to handle what you want to do.
Option 3 For NodeJS and modules
If you are using NodeJS and want to get the path not relative, the use the app-root-path module. It lets you always get your project root and then dig into to files accordingly. This can be accomplished with string literals.
var appRoot = require('app-root-path');
import foo from appRoot + "/foo/bar/folders/bla/bla"
import foo from `${appRoot}/foo/bar/folders/bla/bla` <-- string literals