I ran some tests using the GetSystemTimeAdjustment
function on Windows 7, and got some interesting results which I cannot explain. As fas as I understand, this method should return if the system time is synchronized periodically and if it is, at which interval and with which increment it is updated (see GetSystemTimeAdjustment function on MSDN).
From this I follow that if I query the system time for example using GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
repeatingly I should either get no change (the system clock has not been updated), or a change which is a multiple of the increment retrieved by GetSystemTimeAdjustment
. Question one: Is this assumption correct?
Now consider the following testing code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main()
FILETIME fileStart;
start.HighPart = fileStart.dwHighDateTime;
start.LowPart = fileStart.dwLowDateTime;
for (int i=20; i>0; --i)
FILETIME timeStamp1;
ts1.HighPart = timeStamp1.dwHighDateTime;
ts1.LowPart = timeStamp1.dwLowDateTime;
std::cout << "Timestamp: " << std::setprecision(20) << (double)(ts1.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / 10000000 << std::endl;
DWORD dwTimeAdjustment = 0, dwTimeIncrement = 0, dwClockTick;
BOOL fAdjustmentDisabled = TRUE;
GetSystemTimeAdjustment(&dwTimeAdjustment, &dwTimeIncrement, &fAdjustmentDisabled);
std::cout << "\nTime Adjustment disabled: " << fAdjustmentDisabled
<< "\nTime Adjustment: " << (double)dwTimeAdjustment/10000000
<< "\nTime Increment: " << (double)dwTimeIncrement/10000000 << std::endl;
It takes 20 timestamps in a loop and prints them to the console. In the end it prints the increment with which the system clock is updated. I would expect the differences between the timestamps printed in the loop to be either 0 or multiples of this increment. However, I get results like this:
Timestamp: 0
Timestamp: 0.0025000000000000001
Timestamp: 0.0074999999999999997
Timestamp: 0.01
Timestamp: 0.012500000000000001
Timestamp: 0.014999999999999999
Timestamp: 0.017500000000000002
Timestamp: 0.022499999999999999
Timestamp: 0.025000000000000001
Timestamp: 0.0275
Timestamp: 0.029999999999999999
Timestamp: 0.032500000000000001
Timestamp: 0.035000000000000003
Timestamp: 0.040000000000000001
Timestamp: 0.042500000000000003
Timestamp: 0.044999999999999998
Timestamp: 0.050000000000000003
Timestamp: 0.052499999999999998
Timestamp: 0.055
Timestamp: 0.057500000000000002
Time Adjustment disabled: 0
Time Adjustment: 0.0156001
Time Increment: 0.0156001
So it appears that the system time is updated using an interval of about 0.0025 seconds and not 0.0156 seconds as return by GetSystemTimeAdjustment
Question two: What is the reason for this?