First of all, if you want to convert a decimal number, you need to know the state of the situation before you convert it, let us say you have 0.333333, number 3 is being repeated infinitely. We all know that 0.333333 is 1/3 . Some people think that multiplying by the number of digits after the decimal point will convert it. That is in some cases is false, and the other is true. It is something related to mathematics. Another situation is 0.25, take the numbers after the decimal point and divide them by 100 and simplify them, which equals to 1/4.
states have been covered, one more to go, but I am not going to explain it because it is long.
However, in mathematics we have 3 states for converting a decimal number into a fraction, I am not going to explain them because It will take a lot of space and time, I have already written a program for this problem. This is the code:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class Main {
static BigDecimal finalResult = new BigDecimal("0");
static boolean check(short[] checks) {
boolean isContinues = true;
int index = -1;
for (short ind : checks) {
if (ind==1) {
else if (ind==0) {
isContinues = false;
else if (ind==-1) {
if (index==0) {
isContinues = false;
return isContinues;
static int[] analyzeDecimal() { // will return int[3]
int[] analysis = new int[3];
int dot = finalResult.toString().indexOf(".");
String num = finalResult.toString();
int state = -1;
int firstPart = 0; // first part will be compared with each secondPart!
int secondPart = 0;
String part = ""; // without the dot
int index = 0; // index for every loop!
int loop = 6;
int originalLoop = loop;
int size = 0; // until six!
int ps = -1;
short[] checks = new short[] {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; // 10 compares for each part!
// length of checks is 10!
int continues = -1; // -1 means there is no continues part!
boolean stop = false;
while (true) { // while for size!
if (size!=6) {
while (true) { // we need to compare a part with a part!
// while for loop
// 6 loops, every loop will increase the compared part by 1!
if (loop!=-1) { // TODO : check every part with the increasing pos
firstPart = dot+1+(originalLoop-loop); // changed
try {
part = num.substring(firstPart, firstPart+(size+1));
catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
int partSize = part.length();
int afterDecimal = num.length()-(dot+1);
while (index!=checks.length &&
firstPart+partSize+index*partSize-(dot+1)<=afterDecimal) { // while for index!
secondPart = firstPart+partSize+index*partSize;
String comparedPart;
try {
comparedPart = num.substring(secondPart, secondPart+partSize);
catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
if (part.equals(comparedPart)) {
checks[index] = 1;
else {
checks[index] = 0;
index = 0;
if (check(checks)) {
stop = true;
continues = firstPart;
ps = partSize;
for (int i = 0 ; i!=10 ; i++) {
checks[i] = -1;
else { // finished!
if (stop) {
loop = originalLoop;
if (stop) {
else {
if (continues==-1) {
state = 2;
else {
if (dot+1==continues) {
state = 1;
else {
state = 0;
analysis[0] = state;
analysis[1] = continues;
analysis[2] = ps;
return analysis;
static String convertToStandard() {
// determine the state first :
int[] analysis = analyzeDecimal();
int dot = finalResult.toString().indexOf('.')+1;
int continues = analysis[1];
int partSize = analysis[2]; // how many steps after the continues part
if (analysis[0]==0) { // constant + continues
String number = finalResult.toString().substring(0, continues+partSize);
int numOfConst = continues-dot;
int numOfDecimals = continues+partSize-dot;
int den = (int)(Math.pow(10, numOfDecimals)-Math.pow(10, numOfConst)); // (10^numOfDecimals)-(10^numOfConst);
int num;
int toSubtract = Integer.parseInt(number.substring(0, dot-1)+number.substring(dot, dot+numOfConst));
if (number.charAt(0)==0) {
num = Integer.parseInt(number.substring(dot));
else {
num = Integer.parseInt(number.replace(".", ""));
num -= toSubtract;
return simplify(num, den);
else if (analysis[0]==1) { // continues
int num, den;
// we always have to subtract by only one x!
String n = finalResult.toString().substring(0, dot+partSize).replace(".", "");
num = Integer.parseInt(n);
den = nines(partSize);
int toSubtract = Integer.parseInt(finalResult.toString().substring(0, dot-1));
num -= toSubtract;
return simplify(num, den);
else if (analysis[0]==2) { // constant
partSize = finalResult.toString().length()-dot;
int num = Integer.parseInt(finalResult.toString().replace(".", ""));
int den = (int)Math.pow(10, partSize);
return simplify(num, den);
else {
System.out.println("[Error] State is not determined!");
static String simplify(int num, int den) {
BigInteger n1 = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(num));
BigInteger n2 = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(den));
BigInteger GCD = n1.gcd(n2);
String number = Integer.toString(num/GCD.intValue())+"/"+Integer.toString(den/GCD.intValue());
return number;
static int nines(int n) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
while (n!=0) {
return Integer.parseInt(result.toString());
public static void main(String[] args) {
finalResult = new BigDecimal("1.222222");
The program above will give you an optimal result with high precision. All you have to do is change the finalResult variable in the main function.
? – Homophonic