I know the above question is very common question. I have gone through multiple posts on this topic. But I didn't get any resolution.
I have installed rvm locally. We already have the installation files. SO went into the folder and run the install command.
$ ./install
Then I checked ./rvm folder in the Users home folde
$ cd ~/.rvm
folder exists. Hence Installation is successful.
Now I am typing rvm in the command line
$ rvm
I am getting below exception
$ rvm
-sh: rvm: command not found
After reading the multiple articles in stackoverflow on this issue, I learned that I have to add the below lines in .bash_profile as I am using Mac OSX 10.7.3
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
Even after I am getting same exception while typing rvm. Is there any thing extra I need to do? or Am I missing some thing? Please help