Please help me I've been stuck on this for way too long :(
What I want to do:
I have these two models:
class Specialization(models.Model):
name = models.CharField("name", max_length=64)
class Doctor(models.Model):
name = models.CharField("name", max_length=128)
# ...
specialization = models.ForeignKey(Specialization)
I would like to annotate all specializations in a queryset with the number of doctors that have this specialization.
My Solution so Far:
I went through a loop and I made a simple: Doctor.objects.filter(specialization=spec).count()
however this proved to be too slow and inefficient.
The more I've read the more I realized that it would make sense to use a SubQuery
here to filter the doctors for the OuterRef
specialization. This is what I came up with:
doctors = Doctor.objects.all().filter(specialization=OuterRef("id")) \
.values("specialization_id") \
add_doctors_count = doctors.annotate(cnt=Count("specialization_id")).values("cnt")[:1]
spec_qs_with_counts = Specialization.objects.all().annotate(
num_applicable_doctors=Subquery(add_doctors_count, output_field=IntegerField())
The output I get is just 1 for every speciality. The code just annotates every doctor object with its specialization_id
and then annotates the count within that group, meaning it will be 1.
This doesn't make complete sense to me unfortunately. In my initial attempt I used an aggregate for the count, and while it works on its own it doesn't work as a SubQuery
, I get this error:
This queryset contains a reference to an outer query and may only be used in a subquery.
I posted this question before and someone suggested doing Specialization.objects.annotate(count=Count("doctor"))
However this doesn't work because I need to count a specific queryset of Doctors.
I've followed these links
However, I'm not getting the same result:
If you have any questions that would make this clearer please tell me.
: it counts the relateddoctor
s, so that means per specialization, you will get a (possibly) different number. It does not count all doctors, and annotates all specializations with that number. – Mawkin