(Note: I'm using Swift 3.0.1 on Xcode 8.2.1 with macOS Sierra 10.12.3)
All of the answers I've seen here missed that he could be looking for LF or CRLF. If everything goes well, s/he could just match on LF and check the returned string for an extra CR at the end. But the general query involves multiple search strings. In other words, the delimiter needs to be a Set<String>
, where the set is neither empty nor contains the empty string, instead of a single string.
On my first try at this last year, I tried to do the "right thing" and search for a general set of strings. It was too hard; you need a full blown parser and state machines and such. I gave up on it and the project it was part of.
Now I'm doing the project again, and facing the same challenge again. Now I'm going to hard-code searching on CR and LF. I don't think anyone would need to search on two semi-independent and semi-dependent characters like this outside of CR/LF parsing.
I'm using the search methods provided by Data
, so I'm not doing string encodings and stuff here. Just raw binary processing. Just assume I got an ASCII superset, like ISO Latin-1 or UTF-8, here. You can handle string encoding at the next-higher layer, and you punt on whether a CR/LF with secondary code-points attached still counts as a CR or LF.
The algorithm: just keep searching for the next CR and the next LF from your current byte offset.
- If neither is found, then consider the next data string to be from the current offset to the end-of-data. Note that the terminator length is 0. Mark this as the end of your reading loop.
- If a LF is found first, or only a LF is found, consider the next data string to be from the current offset to the LF. Note that the terminator length is 1. Move the offset to after the LF.
- If only a CR is found, do like the LF case (just with a different byte value).
- Otherwise, we got a CR followed by a LF.
- If the two are adjacent, then handle like the LF case, except the terminator length will be 2.
- If there is one byte between them, and said byte is also CR, then we got the "Windows developer wrote a binary \r\n while in text mode, giving a \r\r\n" problem. Also handle it like the LF case, except the terminator length will be 3.
- Otherwise the CR and LF aren't connected, and handle like the just-CR case.
Here's some code for that:
struct DataInternetLineIterator: IteratorProtocol {
/// Descriptor of the location of a line
typealias LineLocation = (offset: Int, length: Int, terminatorLength: Int)
/// Carriage return.
static let cr: UInt8 = 13
/// Carriage return as data.
static let crData = Data(repeating: cr, count: 1)
/// Line feed.
static let lf: UInt8 = 10
/// Line feed as data.
static let lfData = Data(repeating: lf, count: 1)
/// The data to traverse.
let data: Data
/// The byte offset to search from for the next line.
private var lineStartOffset: Int = 0
/// Initialize with the data to read over.
init(data: Data) {
self.data = data
mutating func next() -> LineLocation? {
guard self.data.count - self.lineStartOffset > 0 else { return nil }
let nextCR = self.data.range(of: DataInternetLineIterator.crData, options: [], in: lineStartOffset..<self.data.count)?.lowerBound
let nextLF = self.data.range(of: DataInternetLineIterator.lfData, options: [], in: lineStartOffset..<self.data.count)?.lowerBound
var location: LineLocation = (self.lineStartOffset, -self.lineStartOffset, 0)
let lineEndOffset: Int
switch (nextCR, nextLF) {
case (nil, nil):
lineEndOffset = self.data.count
case (nil, let offsetLf):
lineEndOffset = offsetLf!
location.terminatorLength = 1
case (let offsetCr, nil):
lineEndOffset = offsetCr!
location.terminatorLength = 1
lineEndOffset = min(nextLF!, nextCR!)
if nextLF! < nextCR! {
location.terminatorLength = 1
} else {
switch nextLF! - nextCR! {
case 2 where self.data[nextCR! + 1] == DataInternetLineIterator.cr:
location.terminatorLength += 1 // CR-CRLF
case 1:
location.terminatorLength += 1 // CRLF
location.terminatorLength += 1 // CR-only
self.lineStartOffset = lineEndOffset + location.terminatorLength
location.length += self.lineStartOffset
return location
Of course, if you have a Data
block of a length that's at least a significant fraction of a gigabyte, you'll take a hit whenever no more CR or LF exist from the current byte offset; always fruitlessly searching until the end during every iteration. Reading the data in chunks would help:
struct DataBlockIterator: IteratorProtocol {
/// The data to traverse.
let data: Data
/// The offset into the data to read the next block from.
private(set) var blockOffset = 0
/// The number of bytes remaining. Kept so the last block is the right size if it's short.
private(set) var bytesRemaining: Int
/// The size of each block (except possibly the last).
let blockSize: Int
/// Initialize with the data to read over and the chunk size.
init(data: Data, blockSize: Int) {
precondition(blockSize > 0)
self.data = data
self.bytesRemaining = data.count
self.blockSize = blockSize
mutating func next() -> Data? {
guard bytesRemaining > 0 else { return nil }
defer { blockOffset += blockSize ; bytesRemaining -= blockSize }
return data.subdata(in: blockOffset..<(blockOffset + min(bytesRemaining, blockSize)))
You have to mix these ideas together yourself, since I haven't done it yet. Consider:
- Of course, you have to consider lines completely contained in a chunk.
- But you have to handle when the ends of a line are in adjacent chunks.
- Or when the endpoints have at least one chunk between them
- The big complication is when the line ends with a multi-byte sequence, but said sequence straddles two chunks! (A line ending in just CR that's also the last byte in the chunk is an equivalent case, since you need to read the next chunk to see if your just-CR is actually a CRLF or CR-CRLF. There are similar shenanigans when the chunk ends with CR-CR.)
- And you need to handle when there are no more terminators from your current offset, but the end-of-data is in a later chunk.
Good luck!