This answer must be posted here: cancel dispatch_after() method?, but that is closed as a duplicate (it really isn't). Anyway, this is a place that google returns for "dispatch_after cancel", so...
This question is pretty fundamental and I'm sure there are people who want a truly generic solution without resorting to various platform-specifics like runloop timers, instance-contained booleans and/or heavy block magic. GCD may be used as a regular C library and there may be no such thing as a timer all in all.
Luckily, there is a way to cancel any dispatch block in any lifetime scheme.
- We have to attach a dynamic handle to each block we pass to dispatch_after (or dispatch_async, not really matters).
- This handle must exist until the block is actually fired.
- Memory management for this handle is not so obvious – if block frees the handle, then we may dereference dangling pointer later, but if we free it, block may do that later.
- So, we have to pass ownership on demand.
- There are 2 blocks – one is a control block that fires anyway and second is a payload that may be canceled.
struct async_handle {
char didFire; // control block did fire
char shouldCall; // control block should call payload
char shouldFree; // control block is owner of this handle
static struct async_handle *
dispatch_after_h(dispatch_time_t when,
dispatch_queue_t queue,
dispatch_block_t payload)
struct async_handle *handle = malloc(sizeof(*handle));
handle->didFire = 0;
handle->shouldCall = 1; // initially, payload should be called
handle->shouldFree = 0; // and handles belong to owner
payload = Block_copy(payload);
dispatch_after(when, queue, ^{
// this is a control block
printf("[%p] (control block) call=%d, free=%d\n",
handle, handle->shouldCall, handle->shouldFree);
handle->didFire = 1;
if (handle->shouldCall) payload();
if (handle->shouldFree) free(handle);
return handle; // to owner
dispatch_cancel_h(struct async_handle *handle)
if (handle->didFire) {
printf("[%p] (owner) too late, freeing myself\n", handle);
else {
printf("[%p] (owner) set call=0, free=1\n", handle);
handle->shouldCall = 0;
handle->shouldFree = 1; // control block is owner now
That's it.
The main point is that "owner" should collect handles until it doesn't need them anymore. dispatch_cancel_h() works as a [potentially deferred] destructor for a handle.
C owner example:
size_t n = 100;
struct after_handle *handles[n];
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
handles[i] = dispatch_after_h(when, queue, ^{
// cancel blocks when lifetime is over!
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
handles[i] = NULL; // not our responsibility now
Objective-C ARC example:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
queue = dispatch_queue_create("...", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
handles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)submitBlocks
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
dispatch_time_t when = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (random() % 10) * NSEC_PER_SEC);
__unsafe_unretained id this = self; // prevent retain cycles
struct async_handle *handle = dispatch_after_h(when, queue, ^{
printf("working (%d)\n", [this someIntValue]);
[handles addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:handle]];
- (void)cancelAnyBlock
NSUInteger i = random() % [handles count];
dispatch_cancel_h([handles[i] pointerValue]);
[handles removeObjectAtIndex:i];
- (void)dealloc
for (NSValue *value in handles) {
struct async_handle *handle = [value pointerValue];
// now control blocks will never call payload that
// dereferences now-dangling self/this.
- dispatch_after() originally retains the queue, so it will exist until all control blocks are executed.
- async_handles are freed if payload is cancelled (or owner's lifetime was over) AND control block was executed.
- async_handle's dynamic memory overhead is absolutely minor compared to dispatch_after()'s and dispatch_queue_t's internal structures, which retain an actual array of blocks to be submitted and dequeue them when appropriate.
- You may notice that shouldCall and shouldFree is really the same inverted flag. But your owner instance may pass the ownership and even -[dealloc] itself without actually canceling payload blocks, if these do not depend on "self" or other owner-related data. This could be implemented with additional shouldCallAnyway argument to dispatch_cancel_h().
- Warning note: this solution also lacks synchronization of didXYZ flags and may cause a race between control block and cancellation routine. Use OSAtomicOr32Barrier() & co to synchronize.