I do understand that Android device still doesn't support complex hindi conjuncts drawing, though we set the textView typeface to a commonly used hindi font (mangal.ttf or DroidHindi.ttf).
One of the Ex:
1st 2nd Conjunct
प् र = प्र
"प्र" is been shown as...प् र { list of frequently used conjuncts - link)
What I would be interested to know is - Though android devices(I am using Galaxy-SII, os2.3) doesn't support it yet, is there a workaround for this?
Similar questions (but no workaround yet):
For the question-2: @Sahaja does mention that android device doesn't support hindi complex conjuncts drawing. So does it mean that we won't be able to do anything in this regard until android adds the support for it or can we have a feasible workaround?
One workaround, which I can think of:
- Convert the whole hindi database into a custom non-unicode format & use a non-unicode font (like kiran.ttf - link) to display it. This sounds like too much of effort, not sure if this is a feasible solution (not tried it yet - kept as last option) or something else would also work?
Please let me know, your thoughts on the same.
(Note: This problem has nothing to do with what custom hindi font I use or is it ttf or otf.)