I'm programming an statistical report in HTML with R and Sweave, but I can't improve the table format with xtable
, so seeing the pander package by daroczig, I think that is enough to satisfy my purposes.
The problem is when I run Pandoc.brew
function on a brew file nothing happens, the R console remains as doing something but there is not output and I must close the R session to interrupt the process. This happens with pander example files.
I'm running R 2.15.0 and Pandoc on Debian 6.0.5 squeeze. I've installed pander
package as is shown in pander's website.
Any help will be fully appreciated. Thanks in advance.
(outside of R) on the brewed markdown file? E.g. runningpandoc minimal.md -o test.html
in the dir where you downloaded the above file. If that would work OK, there might be some issues while adding custom HTML/CSS/JS stuff in my pandoc call. I am just installing Debian squeeze to test it, but the best thing to do for you right now would be to install an up-to-date version ofpandoc
somehow :( – RuschRscript -e "library(pander);Pandoc.brew('minimal.brew', output = 'test', convert='html')"
in bash without any issues. Could you please runPandoc.brew
to see if the problem occurs while opening the file? – Rusch