I have upgraded my version of .Net Core from preview 2 to preview 6 which has broken a couple of things. Most significant is that I cannot use newtonsoft JSON anymore.
AddNewtonsoftJson in ConfigureServices seemingly does nothing, and the new Json serializer seems to work on properties only, not fields. It does not see the JSONIgnoreAttribute.
In ConfigureServices (in Startup) I have the line
services.AddMvc(x => x.EnableEndpointRouting = false).AddNewtonsoftJson();
which doesn't seem to be doing what it should. In my application, only properties are serialized, not fields, and the [JSONIgnore]
attribute does nothing.
The lack of fields I can work around by promoting all the public fields I need to be properties, but I need to be able to ignore some.
Has anyone else had this? How do I either get the new JSON serializer to ignore some properties and serialize public fields, or go back to Newtonsoft?
could do the trick instead of using Newtonsoft's JsonIgnore attribute – Gulf