My company provided me with Visual Studio 2019. It has been working, (as much as this dinosaur can be said to be working,) and it has been showing my initials on the top-right corner, meaning that I am in some way "signed in".
Recently it started teasing me about Visual Studio 2022. Contacting the IT department to discuss what to do would be too much of a hassle, so I just proceeded to download Visual Studio 2022, I installed it side by side with 2019, and it has been working more or less exactly the same way. My initials still appear on the top right corner.
However, every once in a while, it shows me this popup:
It says:
Task failed: IntelliCode Custom Completions
Your task failed with the message:
Visual Studio user credentials invalid.
Click here to sign in.
And it has an "Always ignore" link.
If I "click here" (I do not know what they mean by "here", so I click on the word "here",) the popup disappears and there is no trace of it that I can find. So, in order to see it again I have to wait until a random point in time when it will decide on its own to re-appear. Other than that, everything still seems to be working fine. I am not prevented from getting any work done.
I am using ReSharper, so I have the luxury of not knowing (and not particularly caring to know) what "IntelliCode Custom Completions" are, and whether they are currently working or not.
Does anyone have the faintest clue as to what might be causing this and how I might be able to make it stop?