We are in the process of migrating a WebLogic 10.3.5 web app to WebLogic 12.1.3 and we've run into an issue which we think might be related to web services security. The app uses Axis 1.5.6 to call out to a SOA Suite SOAP service (still running on WebLogic 10.3.5). When web service security is disabled, we get back the expected response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns3:Name>Company Name, Inc.</ns3:Name>
But as soon as web service security is enabled (using Apache Rampart 1.5.2, Apache Neethi 2.0.5), we start receiving empty responses:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
xmlns:ns4="http://www.example.com/ABC/Common" />
The odd thing is that when looking through the SOA Suite console, the response out of SOA back to the web app (with security enabled) looks correct:
<property name="tracking.compositeInstanceId" value="2110209"/>
<property name="tracking.ecid" value="0058XKIkdpHFw00Fzzw0w00004Et005Kmk"/>
<property name="ws.wsu.id" value="Body-Body_tTzuB5XmRNQPR7Y7"/>
<part name="getNamesResponse">
<bp:Name>Company Name, Inc.</bp:Name>
No exceptions are logged. Has anyone else experienced and resolved these kinds of issues?