Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, in the current stage, there are no methods for directly achieving your goal. But, I thought that as a workaround, when the header and footer are added to the exported PDF, your goal might be able to be achieved. In this answer, I would like to propose this workaround. The flow of this workaround is as follows.
- Export Spreadsheet as PDF.
- Add the header and footer to the exported PDF.
In order to achieve this, pdf-lib is used. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script:
* ### Description
* Insert header and/or footer into PDF blob.
* @param {Object} pdfBlob Blob of PDF data for embedding objects.
* @param {Object} object Object including the values for inserting header and footer.
* @return {promise} PDF Blob.
async function insertHeaderFooter_(pdfBlob, object) {
const cdnUrl = "";
eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(cdnUrl).getContentText().replace(/setTimeout\(.*?,.*?(\d*?)\)/g, "Utilities.sleep($1);return t();"));
if (!object || typeof object != "object") {
throw new Error("Please an object for embeddig the objects.");
const { header, footer } = object;
const pdfDoc = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.create();
const form = pdfDoc.getForm();
const pdfData = await PDFLib.PDFDocument.load(new Uint8Array(pdfBlob.getBytes()));
const numberOfPages = pdfData.getPageCount();
const pages = await pdfDoc.copyPages(pdfData, [...Array(numberOfPages)].map((_, i) => i));
const headers = header ? Object.entries(header).map(([k, v]) => [`header.${k}`, v]) : [];
const footers = footer ? Object.entries(footer).map(([k, v]) => [`footer.${k}`, v]) : [];
const sortOrder = ["LEFT", "CENTER", "RIGHT"];
[footers, headers].forEach((f, _, x) => f.sort((a, b) => {
const i1 = sortOrder.findIndex(e => a[0].includes(e.toLowerCase()));
const i2 = sortOrder.findIndex(e => b[0].includes(e.toLowerCase()));
const vlen = x.length;
return (i1 > -1 ? i1 : vlen) - (i2 > -1 ? i2 : vlen);
const alignObj = { "center": "Center", "left": "Left", "right": "Right" };
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfPages; i++) {
const pageNumber = i + 1;
const page = pdfDoc.addPage(pages[i]);
const pageHeight = page.getHeight();
const pageWidth = page.getWidth();
if (headers.length > 0) {
const sizeWidthHead = pageWidth / (headers.length);
for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
const [k, v] = headers[j];
const o = {
borderWidth: v.borderWidth || 0,
x: j * sizeWidthHead,
y: pageHeight - ((v.yOffset || 0) + (v.height || 20)),
width: sizeWidthHead,
height: v.height || 30,
addHeaderFooterFields_({ page, form, pageNumber, k, v, o, alignObj });
if (footers.length > 0) {
const sizeWidthFoot = pageWidth / (footers.length);
for (let j = 0; j < footers.length; j++) {
const [k, v] = footers[j];
const o = {
borderWidth: v.borderWidth || 0,
x: j * sizeWidthFoot,
y: v.yOffset || 0,
width: sizeWidthFoot,
height: v.height || 30,
addHeaderFooterFields_({ page, form, pageNumber, k, v, o, alignObj });
const bytes = await;
return Utilities.newBlob([ Int8Array(bytes)], MimeType.PDF, `new_${pdfBlob.getName()}`);
function addHeaderFooterFields_(object) {
const { page, form, pageNumber, k, v, o, alignObj } = object;
const fieldName = `${k}.${pageNumber}`;
const textBox = form.createTextField(fieldName);
if (v.text) {
if (v.alignment) {
["x", "y", "width", "text"].forEach(e => delete v[e]);
textBox.addToPage(page, o);
// Please run this function.
function myFunction() {
const object = {
header: {
left: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text h1" },
center: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text h2" },
right: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text h3" },
footer: {
left: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text f1" },
center: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text f2" },
right: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text f3" },
const sourceSpreadSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sourceSheet = sourceSpreadSheet.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
// --- The below script is from your showing script.
var url = '' + sourceSpreadSheet.getId()
+ '/export?exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf' // export as pdf / csv / xls / xlsx
+ '&size=letter' // paper size legal / letter / A4
+ '&portrait=false' // orientation, false for landscape
+ '&fitw=true' // fit to page width, false for actual size
+ '&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false' // hide optional headers and footers
+ '&pagenum=CENTER&gridlines=false' // hide page numbers and gridlines
+ '&fzr=false' // do not repeat row headers (frozen rows) on each page
+ '&gid=' + sourceSheet.getSheetId() // the sheet's Id
+ '&top_margin=0.45&left_margin=0.25&right_margin=0.25&bottom_margin=0.5'; // margins
// ---
const blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, { headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() } }).getBlob();
insertHeaderFooter_(blob, object)
.then(blob => DriveApp.createFile(blob))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
When this script is run, the following PDF is created in the root folder. You can see the header and footer.
For example, when you want to add only footer, please use the following object
const object = {
footer: {
left: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text f1" },
center: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text f2" },
right: { height: 20, alignment: "Center", text: "sample text f3" },
- In this sample script, the pdf-lib library is loaded in the script. But, of course, in this case, you can also use the pdf-lib library by copying and pasting the script library retrieved from
in the script editor of Google Apps Script. In this case, the process cost for loading it can be reduced.