I have released my app with google play integrity api. App works after device integrity check success
"deviceIntegrity": {
I found issue with some user facing the issue that device passes device integrity at the time of install but after restart device, deviceIntegrity check failed
here is response what i found during debugging after restart
"requestDetails": {
"requestPackageName": "com.my.package",
"timestampMillis": "1674455009345",
"nonce": "Y29tLm1hbnRyYS5yZHNlcnZpY2UyMDIzMDEyMzExNTIzMjajHDrnJ9vtl2AfC1fUdEDJmD_HfvFtcpc\u003d"
"appIntegrity": {
"appRecognitionVerdict": "UNEVALUATED"
"deviceIntegrity": {
"accountDetails": {
"appLicensingVerdict": "UNEVALUATED"
I have search about UNEVALUATED result
"Application integrity was not evaluated. A necessary requirement was missed, such as the device not being trustworthy enough."
But the issue accures only after restarting the android device
I Hope some one can help us on this issue.