I realized that the master spark becomes unresponsive when I kill the leader zookeeper (of course I assigned the leader election task to the zookeeper). The following is the error log that I see on Master Spark node. Do you have any suggestion to resolve it?
15/06/22 10:44:00 INFO ClientCnxn: Unable to read additional data from
> server sessionid 0x14dd82e22f70ef1, likely server has closed socket,
> closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
15/06/22 10:44:00
> INFO ClientCnxn: Unable to read additional data from server sessionid
> 0x24dc5a319b40090, likely server has closed socket, closing socket
> connection and attempting reconnect
15/06/22 10:44:01 INFO
> ConnectionStateManager: State change: SUSPENDED
15/06/22 10:44:01 INFO
> ConnectionStateManager: State change: SUSPENDED
15/06/22 10:44:01 WARN
> ConnectionStateManager: There are no ConnectionStateListeners
> registered.
15/06/22 10:44:01 INFO ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent: We
> have lost leadership
15/06/22 10:44:01 ERROR Master: Leadership has
> been revoked -- master shutting down.