Relevant chunk of Irony grammar:
var VARIABLE = new RegexBasedTerminal("variable", @"(?-i)\$?\w+");
variable.Rule = VARIABLE;
tag_blk.Rule = html_tag_kw + attr_args_opt + block;
term_simple.Rule = NUMBER | STRING | variable | boolean | "null" | term_list;
term.Rule = term_simple | term_filter;
block.Rule = statement_list | statement | ";";
statement.Rule = tag_blk | directive_blk | term;
The problem is that both a "tag" and a "variable" can appear in the same place. I want my parser to prefer the tag over the variable, but it always prefers the variable. How can I change that?
I've tried changing tag_blk.Rule
to PreferShiftHere() + html_tag_kw + attr_args_opt + block;
and ImplyPrecedenceHere(-100) + html_tag_kw + attr_args_opt + block;
but it doesn't help any. The parser doesn't even complain of an ambiguity.