I have 2 scroll views, both of which are supposed to scroll vertically. The outer scroll view (red) contains a search bar and the inner scroll view (blue). The inner scroll view is supposed to scroll infinitely (it contains images/items and has an endless scrolling implementation).
The way I want this controller to work is as follows:
When I scroll down, the outer scroll view should scroll first and the search bar should disappear (scroll out of the content area). Only after that the inner scroll view should start scrolling. When scrolling back up, the inner scroll view should scroll all the way to its top. Only then the outer scroll view should take the scroll events and finally scroll up to make the search bar visible again.
If I just nest them in IB without any modifications the inner scroll view catches all the scroll events and it works the other way around.
Please bear in mind that I'm using the inner scroll view as a simplifying metaphor here. In my app I actually have a control here, which has a scroll view with nested table views (scroll view lets me page horizontally, table views let me scroll vertically).