It sound to me like you want to use lens in a way similar to linq IQueryable
in c#.
Eg if you have the types:
data Project = Project {
_projectId :: Int
, _projectPriority :: Int
, _projectName :: String
, _projectTasks :: [Task]
} deriving (Show)
data Task = Task {
_taskId :: Int
, _taskName :: String
, _taskEstimate :: Int
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Project
makeLenses ''Task
And a database:
create table projects ( id, name, priority);
create table tasks (id, name, estimate, projectId);
insert into projects values (1, 'proj', 1), (2, 'another proj', 2);
insert into tasks values (1, 'task1', 30, 1), (2, 'another', 40, 1),
(3, 'task3', 20, 2), (4, 'more', 80, 2);
If you wanted to get a list of task names from projects with priority greater than 1, it would be nice if you could use:
highPriorityTasks :: IO [String]
highPriorityTasks = db ^.. projects . filtered (\p -> p ^. projectPriority > 1 )
. projectTasks . traverse . taskName
And have that query the database using the query:
select from projects as p
inner join tasks as t on t.projectId =
where p.priority > 1;
Unfortunately, that isn't possible with the library. Basically, to be efficient database wise, you (normally) have to do everthing in one query. It wouldn't be acceptable to do this:
select * from projects where priority > 1;
for each project:
select name from tasks where projectId = <project>.id
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to decompose functions to know what built them up. Apart from the type, you can't find anything out about a function without running it. So there would be no way to extract the data out of the filtered
function to help build the query. Nor would it be possible to extract the sub lens out of the full expression. So this isn't possible using the lens library.
The best you can get at the moment is to query the database using one set of functions, and query the resulting data using lens. See this blog post about yesod for an example of this.
A related question is if this is possible at all. To do so, we would need to create a sublanguage for numeric and string operators, and composition that tracks what is done. This could be possible. For example, you can build up a Num type that records everything done to it:
data TrackedNum = TrackedNum :-: TrackedNum
| TrackedNum :+: TrackedNum
| TrackedNum :*: TrackedNum
| Abs TrackedNum
| Signum TrackedNum
| Value Integer
deriving (Show)
instance Num TrackedNum where
a + b = a :+: b
a * b = a :*: b
a - b = a :-: b
abs a = Abs a
signum a = Signum a
fromInteger = Value
t :: TrackedNum
t = 3 + 4 * 2 - abs (-34)
> t
(Value 3 :+: (Value 4 :*: Value 2)) :-: Abs (Value 0 :-: Value 34)
Repeat the process for boolean operators (you will need a new type class for this), list operators, and function composition (ie the Category class), and you should be able to make a "white-box" function, which then could be used to create an efficient sql query. This isn't a trivial undertaking though!