I've created a number of Show views in a new React-Admin project. Rather than have the fields just form a single column I would like to use Material UI's Grid component to arrange them into a more efficient and helpful layout. Unfortunately this stops React Admin's ...ShowLayout components from rendering the Field components inside them properly.
I was hoping to be able to do something like this:
<Show {...props}>
<Grid container>
<Grid item>
<TextField source="firstName" />
<Grid item>
<TextField source="lastName" />
I've also had a go at creating wrapper components to try to ensure the right props get passed along to the Field components, to no avail. How can I better arrange the fields in a layout? Do I have to fall back to "manually" styling the contents of a show layout using custom styles? If so that seems a shame given that RA uses MUI so heavily for rendering and it already provides a framework for doing this.