Sending audio to the speaker for playback on Android is easy, but is it possible to get a copy of the actual final digital signal? Let's say I have 2 apps running "MyApp" and "SomeOtherApp". My app sends audio to the speaker, but so does "SomeOtherApp". "SomeOtherApp" is not my app - it's a 3rd party app. Is it possible to get a copy of the mixed audio signal which is played to the speaker by the OS? That is, the audio signal which is a mixture of the speaker signal from my app and the speaker signal from "SomeOtherApp".
To summarize: I am looking for a way to hook into the low-level audio path (HAL audio stream out - after mixing!) so I can get a copy of the "final" speaker signal (in real-time). Optimally, I would also like to hook into the low-level microphone path, but that's less of a concern right now.