I am displaying paginated results that I get from Algolia. I have two queries in my controller that I paginate. This is how I send the data from the controller to the view:
public function index(Request $request)
if(!$request->q && !$request->page){
return redirect('/');
$videos = Video::search($request->q)->paginate(1);
$videosCollection = $videos->getCollection();
return fractal()
->transformWith(new VideoTransformer)
->paginateWith(new IlluminatePaginatorAdapter($videos))
So then when I search for example for 'rene'
the result is displayed on url http://videoapp.app/search?q=rene
And the data that I get looks like this:
data: [
id: 46,
description: null,
views: 0,
created_at: "1 month ago",
player: {
data: {
id: 34,
image: "15889ca47e557c12240142_1013305815416003_5199651181367705874_n.jpg",
first_name: "Bruno",
last_name: "Hendricks"
meta: {
pagination: {
total: 2,
count: 1,
per_page: 1,
current_page: 1,
total_pages: 2,
links: {
next: "http://videoapp.app/search?query=rene&page=2"
But the pagination link that is being created for the next page is "http://videoapp.app/search?query=rene&page=2"
and if I click on it the metadata is changed and I get the results for the whole table and not just for the result of my first query that was 'rene'
in this example. If I on the other hand type the url in the browser http://videoapp.app/search?q=rene&page=2
then it works like it should be.
How I can change those generated links so that it works as it should be?
I have also tried with another example from SO, which again didn't work for me:
if(!$request->q && !$request->page){
return redirect('/');
$players = Player::search($request->q)
$videos = Video::search($request->q)
{{ $videos->appends(array_except(Request::only('q'), 'page'))->links() }}
{{ $players->appends(array_except(Request::only('q'), 'videos'))->links() }}
I have also tried the suggestion from the answers:
public function index(Request $request)
$q = $request->q;
$videosPage = $request->vpage;
$playersPage = $request->ppage;
if (! $request->q) {
return redirect('/');
$players = Player::search($q)
->paginate(1, 'ppage')
->appends(['q' => $q, 'vpage' => $videosPage]);
$videos = Video::search($q)
->paginate(1, 'vpage')
->appends(['q' => $q, 'ppage' => $playersPage]);
return view('search.index', [
'players' => $players,
'videos' => $videos,
But that also didn't work, when I would click on a link for players it would go back to video results for example. Can't seem to find any solution for this problem?