Is it possible to lazily initialize Fabric Kits? for example, right now I do:
Fabric.with(this, crashlytics, twitterCore, tweetUi); // 500ms
I would like to initialize only Crashlytics (no twitter stuff), like below, because it is 10x faster, and I don't need the Twitter stuff right away
Fabric.with(this, crashlytics); // 50ms
Later on, when the user visits an activity where I need TwitterCore & TweetUi, I'd like to add them to Fabric on the fly before using them.
Is this possible ?
Edit: I managed to do it with reflection, which is obviously not ideal, but it works for the time being. I'm still looking for a proper solution to this. Here's how I did it:
try {
final Fabric newFabric = (new Fabric.Builder(context)).kits(crashlytics, twitterCore, tweetUi).build();
final Method method = Fabric.class.getDeclaredMethod("setFabric", Fabric.class);
method.invoke(null, newFabric);
} catch (Exception e) {
Timber.e(e, e.getMessage());