I'm trying to typeset something in LaTeX and I would like to know if I'm doing it right. The basic idea is that section number hangs in the left margin. The number takes the height of the header+2 lines for a chapter heading, +1 line for section heading, and has the same height as the header for subsections, and is aligned to the top of the heading. See the following image to get an idea of what I'm talking about:
My approach is using titlesec
and doing something like this:
{\Huge\bfseries\sffamily}% format
{\vbox to 16pt{\llap{% label
\hskip 9pt%
{0pt}% horizontal sep
{}% before
{0pt}% left
{-2em}% before
{0pt}% after
But this solution has some hacks that I would rather avoid. The \vbox
height for instance, is found by trial and error. Visually, it looks almost right...