This question refers to the SwipeListView component found here:
After trying out several implementations and fixes I found on the web I decided to modify the sources a little.
I will post this here since i know it's a known issue and all the versions I found proved to have some issues eventually.
has suffered the following changes:
* Create reveal animation
* @param view affected view
* @param swap If will change state. If "false" returns to the original
* position
* @param swapRight If swap is true, this parameter tells if movement is toward
* right or left
* @param position list position
private void generateRevealAnimate(final View view, final boolean swap, final boolean swapRight, final int position) {
int moveTo = 0;
if (opened.get(position)) {
if (!swap) {
moveTo = openedRight.get(position) ? (int) (viewWidth - rightOffset) : (int) (-viewWidth + leftOffset);
} else {
if (swap) {
moveTo = swapRight ? (int) (viewWidth - rightOffset) : (int) (-viewWidth + leftOffset);
final boolean aux = !opened.get(position);
if(swap) {
opened.set(position, aux);
openedRight.set(position, swapRight);
animate(view).translationX(moveTo).setDuration(animationTime).setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
if (swap) {
if (aux) {
swipeListView.onOpened(position, swapRight);
} else {
swipeListView.onClosed(position, openedRight.get(position));
// if (aux || !swap) {
// resetCell();
// }
* Close all opened items
void closeOtherOpenedItems() {
if (opened != null && downPosition != SwipeListView.INVALID_POSITION) {
int start = swipeListView.getFirstVisiblePosition();
int end = swipeListView.getLastVisiblePosition();
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
if (opened.get(i) && i != downPosition) {
closeAnimate(swipeListView.getChildAt(i - start).findViewById(swipeFrontView), i);
* @see View.OnTouchListener#onTouch(android.view.View,
* android.view.MotionEvent)
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
return true;
The rest of the code not mentioned is the same.
Any comments highly appreciated, this changes prevent you from having to implement the SwipeListViewOnTouchListener
in the activity which inflates the list.