After struggling too much with Redux, flux and other pub/sub methods i ended up with the following technique. I do not know if that can cause some big damage or flaws so posting it here to get some light from the experienced programmers about its pros and cons.
var thisManager = function(){
var _Manager = [];
getThis : function(key){
return _Manager[key];
setThis : function(obj){
_Manager[obj.key] = obj.value;
var _thisManager = new thisManager();
// React Component
class Header extends Component{
_thisManager.setThis({ key: "Header", value:this}
// call this.setState here with new data.
return <div />
// Then from any other component living far somewhere you can pass the data to the render function and it works out of the box.
class Footer extends Component{
let Header = _thisManager.getThis('Header');
Header.somefunction(" Wow some new data from footer event ");
<button onClick={this._click.bind(this)}> send data to header and call its render </button>
I am sending json as a data in my application and it perfectly renders the desired components and i can invoke the render without any pub/sub or deep passing down the props to invoke a parent method with a changing this.setState to cause re-render.
So far the application works fine and i am also loving its simplicity too. Kindly throw light on this technique pros and cons
It is bad to call render so i changed it to another method to get more pros and cons of this setup.