I got below error, I am using go v1.10.4 linux/amd64.
I am not behind any firewall or whatsoever. New Relic in java server (same network segment) that we have runs fine.
We have tried:
- Increasing the timeout to 60 seconds
- Use http2 in the server
- Using Postman return 503 with response:
{"exception":{"message":"Server Error","error_type":"RuntimeError"}}
- troubleshooting with ./nrdiag says “No Issues Found”
Below is our code:
config := newrelic.NewConfig(os.Getenv("NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME"), os.Getenv("NEW_RELIC_KEY"))
config.Logger = newrelic.NewDebugLogger(os.Stdout)
app, err := newrelic.NewApplication(config)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to create newrelic application", err)
httpListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", *httpAddr)
if err != nil {
oldlog.Print("Error: ", err)
logger.Log("transport", "HTTP", "during", "Listen", "err", err)
g.Add(func() error {
logger.Log("transport", "HTTP", "addr", *httpAddr)
return http.Serve(httpListener, nrgorilla.InstrumentRoutes(httpHandler, app))
}, func(error) {
However this what we got,note some_key was removed:
(28422) 2019/07/29 18:08:50.058559 {"level":"warn","msg":"application connect failure","context":{"error":"Post https://collector-001.eu01.nr-data.net/agent_listener/invoke_raw_method?license_key=some_key\u0026marshal_format=json\u0026method=connect\u0026protocol_version=17: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"}}