System profilers, like DTrace and Linux perf_events, are able to profile stack traces from the JVM. Now, symbols aside (that's another problem), both DTrace and perf_events collect many stacks that are only 1 frame. These are partial, incomplete stacks.
I've tried DTrace jstack(), and Linux perf_events with both frame pointer and dwarf stack unwinding.
I believe this is due to hotspot compiling optimized frames. Is there a way to disable this optimization, so that standard system profilers (like Solaris DTrace, and Linux perf) work?
I've already tried the following options: -XX:+DeoptimizeRandom -XX:MaxInlineSize=0 -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+ShowHiddenFrames