Manually generate id's for each block of code with kramdown's Block Inline Attribute Lists, adding {: #code-example-1}
after it.
In your example:
/* Global scope: this code is executed once */
const redis = require('redis');
const host = <HOSTNAME>;
const port = <PORT>;
const password = <PASSWORD>;
{: #code-example-1}
That will generate:
<div id="code-example-1" class="language-javascript highlighter-rouge">
using jquery
Code blocks use thecode
html element, if we detect it, then we load the js, traverse all code elements adding a custom id, and a button to copy their content. Finally initialize the Clipboard buttons.
{% if page.content contains "code" %}
<!-- clipboard.js code -->
{% endif %}
// get all <code> elements
var allCodeBlocksElements = $( "code" );
allCodeBlocksElements.each(function(i) {
// add different id for each code block
// target
var currentId = "codeblock" + (i + 1);
$(this).attr('id', currentId);
var clipButton = '<button class="btn" data-clipboard-target="#' + currentId + '"><img src="" width="13" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button>';
new Clipboard('.btn');
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<code>print("Club Nacional de Football")</code>
<code>print("is a sports institution")</code>
<code>print("from Uruguay")</code>
elements are elements that I want to copy text from. The jquery code goes through every singlediv
element adding a unique id and the a button, which points to that unique id and finally it calls the clipboard.js. – Guildroy