I am trying to detect Apple devices connected to a wireless network. This is relatively simple using Bonjour, however I am also trying to detect what kind of device it is. Like, a MacBook Air, a MacBook Pro, a MacPro, an iPhone, iPod, or an iPad.
I have found that Bonjour requests to MacBook's and MacPros include an "ADDITIONAL SECTION" response to the query which includes the model:
Q9550._device-info._tcp.local. 10 IN TXT "model=MacPro3,1"
Air._device-info._tcp.local. 10 IN TXT "model=MacBookAir4,2"
From testing an iPhone (3GS and 4), an iPod touch, and an iPad2, all of the iDevices only respond with their name:
;; ANSWER SECTION: 10 IN PTR gmPad2.local.
Clearly, the name may not reflect the device. So, I would not like to try to extrapolate the type of device from the name. Does anyone know any other ways to detect iDevice types?
Edit: just to be clear, the command I am using is: dig @ -p5353 -x ... substituting the IP address of the Apple device