I am looking into both these Android Http Networking libraries.
I would like some peoples experiences with using the two libraries. Personally I have always used the http://loopj.com/android-async-http/ library quite happily. But it was recently suggested to me to use the Volley Framework.
What benefits will I get from one over the other?
From my reading so far, Volley incorporates a number of nice features such as Image Loading, Request Caching, Request Cancelling all in one library.
My current use case / specifications:
Consume web services from my android applications.
- Receive JSON Objects from web service
- Easy To integrate with the GUI
- Stability and Reliability over raw performance
- Long term maintenance and support of the library.
- Ease of use / ease of implementation
From some reading up on SE:
"Volley is all good but, On the minus side, it is one undocumented, unsupported, "throw the code over the wall and do an I|O presentation on it" library."
So I think its clear Volley might get the tick for features, But how well documented and maintained is it? If I decide to use it will there still be support for it 4 years down the line?