First of all, not all written languages have "vowels". For one example, 中文 (Zhōngwén) (written Chinese) does not, as it is ideogrammatic instead of phonetic. For another example, Japanese mostly doesn't; it uses mostly consonant+vowel hiragana or katakana syllabics such as "ga", "wa", "tsu" instead.
And some written languages (for example, Hindi, Bangla, Greek, Russian) do have vowels, but use characters which are not easily mapable to aeiou. For such languages you'd have to find (search metacpan?) or make look-up tables specifying which letters are "vowels".
But if you're dealing with any written language based even loosely on the Latin alphabet (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz), even if the language uses tons of diacritics (called "combining marks" in Perl and Unicode circles) (eg, Vietnamese), you can easily map those to "vowel" or "not-vowel", yes. The way is to "normalize-to-fully-decomposed-form", then strip-out all the combining marks, then fold-case, then compare each letter to regex /[aeiou]/. The following Perl script will find most-or-all "vowels" in any language using a Latin-based alphabet:
#!/usr/bin/perl -CSDA
use v5.20;
use Unicode::Normalize 'NFD';
my $vcount;
while (<>)
$_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
say "\nRaw string: $_";
my $decomposed = NFD $_;
my $stripped = ($decomposed =~ s/\pM//gr);
say "Stripped string: $stripped";
my $folded = fc $stripped;
my @base_letters = split //, $stripped;
$vcount = 0;
/[aeiou]/ and ++$vcount for @base_letters;
say "# of vowels: $vcount";