I wanted to work on a small project to challenge my computer vision and image processing skills. I came across a project where I want to remove the hidden marks from the image. Hidden here refers to the watermarks that are not easily visible in rgb space but when you convert into hsv or some other space the marks become visible.
Here's one example:
I've tried different ways but was able to implement a solution that would remove those watermarks from the image. I am posting this question here to get different ideas to tackle this problem.
What I have tried:
I have tried various approaches but none of them worked, sharing the code might not help. It is not necessary to provide code for it, a pseudo code, idea or any lead would be appreciated.
- I noticed that the hidden marks are all the colors similar to RGB(90,94,105). And when I showed R, G, and B separately I noticed that the watermarks were only visible in B channel. I thought that if adjust/remove the marks in B channel and merge the image again, may be I could get better results.
b,g,r = cv2.split(img)
b = b//2;
r = cv2.merge((r,g,b))
Problems: This doesn't does solve the problem, it did make the colors little dimmer but the image colors were also disturbed.
I tried playing around with B channel to see if could accomplish something.
I also noticed that if we convert the image to LUV space then the marks are visible in V space.