I have a window set to 340 x 146 px, not resizable.
In designer the window size is correct. But when I run the application it is bigger.
Edit: Also, the layout is Canvas
Classic theme:
After running snoop (thanks Zach), it appears that actual dimensions are what I specified. But the client area is bigger than one in visual studio.
I understand now that the client size stretches, when windows size is fixed to certain dimensions. However I think this makes Canvas layout in window unusable.
<Window x:Class="TI.Presentation.Views.AutentizationWindow"
Title="Authentication" Height="146" Width="340" ResizeMode="NoResize" Background="{StaticResource {x:Static SystemColors.ControlBrushKey}}" >
<Label Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="12" FontSize="15" Width="217">Enter authentication code here:</Label>
<TextBox Canvas.Left="12" Canvas.Top="38" Height="23" Name="code" Width="294" FontSize="14" />
<Button Canvas.Top="67" Content="OK" Height="28" Width="100" Canvas.Left="206" FontSize="14" IsDefault="True" Click="OKClick" />