The .o file is the Object File. It's an intermediate representation of the final program.
Specifically, typically, the .o file has compiled code, but what it does not have is final addresses for all of the different routines or data.
One of the things that a program needs before it can be run is something similar to a memory image.
For example.
If you have your main program and it calls a routine A. (This is faux fortran, I haven't touched in decades, so work with me here.)
X = 10
WRITE(*,*) Y
Then you have the SQUARE function.
The are individually compiled units. You can see than when MAIN is compiled it does not KNOW where "SQUARE" is, what address it is at. It needs to know that so when it calls the microprocessors JUMP SUBROUTINE (JSR) instruction, the instruction has someplace to go.
The .o file has the JSR instruction already, but it doesn't have the actual value. That comes later in the linking or loading phase (depending on your application).
So, MAINS .o file has all of the code for main, and a list of references that it wants to resolved (notably SQUARE). SQUARE is basically stand alone, it doesn't have any references, but at the same time, it had no address as to where it exists in memory yet.
The linker will take all off the .o files and combine them in to a single exe. In the old days, compiled code would literally be a memory image. The program would start at some address and simply loaded in to RAM wholesale, and then executed. So, in the scenario, you can see the linker taking the two .o files, concatenating them together (to get SQUAREs actual address), then it would go back and find the SQUARE reference in MAIN, and fill in the address.
Modern linkers don't go quite that far, and defer much of that final processing to when the program is actually loaded. But the concept is similar.
By compiling to .o files, you end up with reusable units of logic that are then combined later by the linking and loading processes before execution.
The other nice aspect is that the .o files can come from different languages. As long as the calling mechanisms are compatible (i.e. how are arguments passed to and from functions and procedures), then once compiled in to a .o, the source language becomes less relevant. You can link, combine, C code with FORTRAN code, say.
In PHP et all, the process is different because all of the code is loaded in to a single image at runtime. You can consider the FORTRANs .o files similar to how you would use PHPs include mechanism to combine files in to a large, cohesive whole.