I get the same behaviour as the OP using R 3.2.0 running within RStudio 0.99.441 on Windows 8.1 and using pryr::address
. The issue is RStudio has a reference to y for its Environment pane. As often the case, Hadley Wickham has some excellent documentation of this.
I don't think there's any way around this for matrices in the global environment other than not using RStudio. I've tried a couple of other things. Matrices within a function are fine:
fn <- function() {
y <- matrix(c(11,21,31,12,22,32),nrow=3,ncol=2)
y[2:3,] <- matrix(c(1,1,8,12),nrow=2)
Calling fn()
should show that the address is unchanged.
However, creating y as a member of a list or environment which are in the global environment doesn't prevent the copy on write (e.g. x <- new.env(); x$y <- matrix(...)
Per Is there any way to disable environment pane in RStudio? there doesn't seem to be any way of disabling the environment pane.
still manages to avoid unncessarily copies. Try:
x <- as.data.table(matrix(c(11,21,31,12,22,32),nrow=3,ncol=2))
x[2:3, `:=`(V1 = c(1, 1), V2 = c(8, 12))]
x[, V3 := V1 + V2]
from the data.table package or from the pryr package I get the same address for the two instances above. Suggest you try a newer version of R. Also please provide self contained code samples including library calls. – Flossidata.table::address
, I get the same behavior as OP. (R 3.2.0 , RStudio 0.99.441, Windows 8.0,data.table 1,9,5). But, with R console, I it returns the same address. So, the problem is with RStudio. – Trapezohedron