I have just got my code signing certificate from StartSSL and am trying to sign our installer.
The signing process goes well and I get an installer exe that Windows no longer complains about being from unknown publisher. This is great!
However I tried to make sure that the timestamping also works as advertised so I moved my PC date to 2012, after my code signing certificate expiration date.
This supposedly should not make any difference but when I run the same installer exe I now get the same nasty "unknown publisher" warning.
Looking at the properties of the exe in the Digital Signatures tab I can definitely see that the timestamp shows today (2010) but this does not seem to help at all.
Googling gave me nothing except that if you see the date in the Timestamp field then all is OK. I cannot believe this, my PC with advanced date complains that it is not OK.
Does anyone know if this timestamping concept works at all and how to make sure I am signing the executable correctly?