Currently I've a Swing app and I wan't to integrate Apache Shiro in order to authenticate and delegate permissions to certain roles. I've already managed to read the users from the shiro.ini file that I've created for tests, it looks something like this:
admin = 123456, Administrator
Administrator = *:*:*
However this was just for testing, now I need to read the permits from a database so I've stored in a database a table with the info I need and it looks something like this:
users (id,password,username)
userRoles (userId, role)
rolePermission (permissionID,permission,roleID)
I've been trying to understand tutorials that use a JDBC realm, however they use web applications or specials frameworks to manage their connection to the Database like Apache Derby or BoneCP, and they confuse me even more with these examples.
So what I'm asking it's how I need to configure the shiro.ini file if I wanna use a JDBC realm (with an Oracle database) and what classes the shiro.ini needs. Any examples or explanation will be appreciated!