In my WPF application I want to allow administrators to test a database connection using integrated security for various other users. So I have a form that allows the admin to enter the domain, username and password and then test it. I am able to securely handle the password right up until I call LogonUser
in the advapi32.dll
which takes a string password
LogonUser(UserName, Domain, Password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref UserHandle)
I have written a utility function which converts the SecureString to a string as safe as possible, and then im calling it on the password in the LogonUser call:
LogonUser(UserName, Domain, Helper.ConvertSafely(Password), LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref UserHandle)
Since the signature for LogonUser takes a string, unless LogonUser is taking proper care of the password in its execution, it could still be on my call stack in plain text after the call returns. Is there a more secure way to impersonate a user in which i can be confidant the PW is secure the whole time?
Basically all I need is a WindowsImpersonationContext
but i would like to aquire it without the password ever being in plain text.
the application under their own login in the first place, and you won't need to do impersonation.) – DockeryLogonUser
code with my SimpleImpersonation library, as described here. Though I don't useSecureString
there either. – Domicile