@dens is correct by going to visual studio community edition however this is half of the answer as table variable values cannot be inspected and have the placeholder as (table); This is due to Microsoft not finishing this portion of the debugger. Currently, you can only see primitive data types outputted within the Locals Tab.
The work around to see table variables when they are deleted, updated or inserted into is to utilize the output keyword with each query to output the inserted or deleted elements. Now when you step through you will see the primitive variables within the debugger logger tab called "Locals" and the table variables within the Results or T-SQL tab as you step through. unfortunately the variable name will not be next to the output however as you step through, its pretty clear which table output belongs to which variable
Furthermore, if you are debugging a stored procedure on a SQL database not on your local database, i recommend backing up a local version of the database with the developer edition of SQL server since attaching a debugger to the query will get blocked by the firewall. Then you will require sysadmin privileges and open ports which may work however it did not work within my workplace. we tried even dropping the entire firewall and nothing but good luck.