I have this scenario: One client sends a message into a msmq queue instance and there are 3 processes which listen on this queue. I want to be able to let every one of those instances pick a different message and process it.
I know that is a common usage scenario for queues and i already have working code for this using MSMQ, .NET and C#.
However i am wondering if msmq is my best option here - the documentation clearly states that MSMQ is meant for "one to one" communication, meaning that there shouldnt be more than one listener.
That kind of leaves me wondering, is what i am doing the right solution for my use case? Or is it the other way round, do i have to create one queue per listener and distribute the messages in a preceeding part of the workflow?
A link to a working example demonstrating the usage of MSMQ in this type of scenario would be greatly appreciated.