I have a Delphi generic class that exposes a function with an argument of the generic type. Inside this function, I need to pass an instance of the generic type on to another object expecting a Variant type. Similar to this:
IMyInterface = interface
DoStuff(Value: Variant);
TMyClass<T> = class
FMyIntf: IMyInterface
procedure DoStuff(SomeValue: T);
procedure MyClass<T>.DoStuff(SomeValue: T);
FMyIntf.DoStuff((*convert SomeValue to Variant here*));
I tried using Rtti.TValue.From(SomeValue).AsVariant. This worked for integral types, but blew up for Booleans. I don't quite see why, since normally I'd be able to assign a Boolean value to a Variant...
Is there a better way to make this conversion? I only need it to work for simple built-in types (excluding enumerations and records)
, assignSomeValue
to it, and then pass the local variable toFMyIntf.DoStuff()
? – Protege