Simple question, but I haven't been able to find an answer.
How can I reset an object store in IndexedDB so the auto-increment key starts at 0 (or 1) again?
I am using IDBWrapper currently, but could use an alternative library if it is easier. I am using in-line keys.
From here:
If you need to clear the store from all stored entries, you can use the clear method. Note that this won’t reset Chrome’s autoIncrement counter.
If I manually clear the object store in Chrome Developer tools, this does not reset the key to 0 (or 1).
I did find this rejected bug: and from there, this outline of key generation:
Presumably I could write my own logic to remember when the store was last cleared and then alter the code where records are inserted to manually override the key to be 0 (or 1), but is this really necessary?