The W3 outlines the reason:
In some cases an image is included in a published document, but the
author is unable to provide an appropriate text alternative. In such
cases the minimum requirement is to provide a caption for the image
using the figure and figcaption elements under the following
- The img element is in a figure element
- The figure element contains a figcaption element
- The figcaption element contains content other than inter-element whitespace
- Ignoring the figcaption element and its descendants, the figure element has no Text node descendants other than inter-element
whitespace, and no embedded content descendant other than the img
In other words, the only content of the figure is an img element and a
figcaption element, and the figcaption element must include (caption)
Such cases are to be kept to an absolute minimum. If there is even the
slightest possibility of the author having the ability to provide real
alternative text, then it would not be acceptable to omit the alt
Code example of an allowable case for no alt attribute:
<img src="clara.jpg">
<figcaption>clara.jpg, taken on 12/11/2010.</figcaption>
</figure> adds:
A conformance checker must report the lack of an alt attribute as an
error unless one of the conditions listed below applies:
The img element is in a figure element that satisfies the conditions described above.
The img element has a title attribute with a value that is not the empty string (also as described above).
The conformance checker has been configured to assume that the document is an e-mail or document intended for a specific person who
is known to be able to view images.
The img element has a (non-conforming) generator-unable-to-provide-required-alt attribute whose value is the
empty string. A conformance checker that is not reporting the lack of
an alt attribute as an error must also not report the presence of the
empty generator-unable-to-provide-required-alt attribute as an error.
(This case does not represent a case where the document is conforming,
only that the generator could not determine appropriate alternative
text — validators are not required to show an error in this case,
because such an error might encourage markup generators to include
bogus alternative text purely in an attempt to silence validators.
Naturally, conformance checkers may report the lack of an alt
attribute as an error even in the presence of the
generator-unable-to-provide-required-alt attribute; for example, there
could be a user option to report all conformance errors even those
that might be the more or less inevitable result of using a markup